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社名非公開 | Business Innovation Consulant (Mid Position)

オフショアにて開発部隊を持つ、外資系SIer。 事業内容:ITサービス、コンサルティング、ビジネスソリューション







【our company Business Inovation Unit】 Business Innovation Unit strives to drive: -Digital Transformation (DX) -New business development -Partner alliance management -Contributing and leveraging our company Research and our company Pace -Establishing industry-government-academia partnerships through our company COIN 【Project】 Helps clients find the right innovative solutions based on disruptive technology to support every part of their business. our company Globally and specifically in Japan is focussed to scale up strategic customer engagements through the our company Pace philosophy. Innovation Champions are the key drivers to this and are expected to play the lead orchestrator role for enabling innovation and transformations for businesses across Japan and around the globe. We are developing a strong team in Japan、 and are looking for exceptional individuals to join us. 【Job Description】 As the Innovation Champion、 you would use your expertise and generalist consulting skillset to help executives of our clients and their teams solve their most pressing challenges、 and think about how digital and technology will change the shape of their business. You will balance between domain knowledge and our company' various offerings、 tools and framework to help design and deliver the journey from idea to execution. -Lead in creation of the digital vision、 assess and priortise early stage opportunties、 structure gap analysis and chart out execution roadmap -Work with a range of experts in the firm、 from scientists to researchers to software and app developers to come up with the best solution and move people and organizations to act -Need to establish trust-based relationships with clients to better serve their organizations -Necessary to communicate effectively with all audiences、 including senior leaders、 in a structured manner 【Advantage 】 '-Balances between business challenges and technology focus -Provides freedom to try new ideas、 experiment and are expected to be constantly learning and growing -Allows to gain powerful experience across a number of industry sectors -Allows opportunities to closely collaborate with scientists、 researchers、business analysts、 technology architects、 developers and designers. 


【Required Skills】 -Equivalent (typically 5+ years) work experience preferred - 3+ years of professional work experience in digital related business or technology consulting (#Leadership) -History of strong academic performance; Excellent problem solving and stakeholder engagement skills (#Problem Solving) -Strong general business acumen; broad understanding of current IT trends and technologies、 their impact on business strategy (#Business Acumen) -Demonstrated depth and breadth of knowledge of IT generalist skills (Eg. IT management、 Business IT strategy、 Digital user experience etc) (#Focus Area、 # Communication) 【Nice to have】 --Exceptional interpersonal skills; strong executive presence -Good problem-solving skills; demonstrated ability to identify business issues、 form hypotheses、 design and conduct analyses、 and synthesize conclusions into recommendations -Strong interest to explore the breadth of technology related topics -Bachelor's degree; Advanced graduate degree (e.g.、 MBA、 PhD、 etc.) or e 【Language】 Japanese Native or N1 holder English mandatory  







■雇用形態 正社員 管理監督者分類:有(採用グレードによっては無、その場合は専門型裁量労働制が適用、裁量労働手当8万円/月) 試用期間:有(3か月) 残業手当:無 賞与:有 昇給:有 ■給与 ※経験・能力など考慮の上、当社規程により決定 ■就業時間 9:00~18:00 ■休日/休暇 年次有給休暇(初年度10日 ※入社日によって異なる場合有)、完全週休2日制(土曜日・日曜日)、祝日、年末年始、慶弔休暇、育児・介護休業 ■福利厚生 保険:健康・厚生年金・雇用・労災保険 制度:財形貯蓄・確定拠出年金・カフェテリアプラン(選択型法人会員福利厚生サービス)    ※財形貯蓄・確定拠出年金は正社員のみ対象 施設:法人会員施設(スポーツクラブ、温泉保養所、ホテル他)  



